ACS to Award Lifetime Achievement Award to Daphne Zepos • 5/8/12: ACS Seeks Volunteers in Raleigh, NC

12 years ago Jasmine Romero 1 Minute(s) to read

Denver, CO (May 8, 2012) — The 29th Annual American Cheese Society (ACS) Conference &
Competition, the foremost educational conference and cheese competition in North America, will be held
in Raleigh, NC from August 1-4, 2012. Each year, the ACS Conference & Competition takes place with
the help of countless volunteers who share their time and talents to ensure that events run smoothly. ACS
is currently seeking individuals who love cheese, or who simply enjoy lending a hand, to volunteer a few
hours of time in Raleigh this summer.

Individuals or groups can volunteer from July 31 - August 5. Volunteers can assist with many aspects of
ACS’s events, including but not limited to: volunteering with the world-renowned ACS Judging &
Competition; assisting at the conference registration desk; preparing cheeses for educational tasting
sessions and sponsored events; and helping to set up the Festival of Cheese – ACS’s signature “foodie”
event, featuring over 1,600 cheeses and samples of gourmet foods, wine, and craft beer.

Volunteers receive an ACS t-shirt, a ticket to the Festival of Cheese on Saturday, August 4 (valued at
$55), and any meals that coincide with their shift(s). Shifts vary in length. Volunteers must be age 18 or

Sign up to volunteer for ACS in Raleigh by going to For more
information about volunteer opportunities, contact Jana Hemphill at 720-328-2788 or 

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