FDA Releases Vulto Creamery Inspection Report

7 years ago Jasmine Romero 2 Minute(s) to read
FDA has released the redacted Form 483 (inspection report) related to the listeriosis outbreak linked to Vulto Creamery . As FDA had shared earlier with us, the report identifies insanitary facilities and practices linked to production, and it does not indicate contamination in the raw milk as a factor. After speaking with FDA about this report, we have been assured that the types of issues identified in the report could have been avoided -- and can be avoided by producers in the future -- with careful adherence to food safety guidelines including those made available in the ACS Best Practices Guide for Cheesemakers and on ACS's Safe Cheesemaking Hub .
This inspection report is an important reminder that producers must scrupulously follow all food safety plans and guidelines, especially as they relate to Listeria monocytogenes control. As we have shared in previous updates, these include but are not limited to:
Several ACS members have expressed concern that, with this outbreak, FDA may direct more attention to raw milk and/or soft-ripened cheeses. We do not have any indication from our recent conversations with FDA that this is the case; they are viewing the incident as isolated and facility-specific.
ACS leadership will be meeting with FDA in Washington, D.C. on May 8. The group will preview FDA's Food Safety Plan Builder, slated to go live this summer, and discuss our current research, agency changes, and FDA's guidance for Control of Listeria monocytogenes in Ready-To-Eat-Foods, which is currently out for public comment.
Please continue to keep us posted if you are inspected, engage with regulators, or have other pertinent information to share by emailing Nora Weiser at nweiser@cheesesociety.org .

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