Over 1,300 American-Made Cheeses Compete to Become “Best of Show” – Winners to be Announced at American Cheese Society Annual Conference in July

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DENVER, Colo. – May 27, 2022 – The American Cheese Society Judging & Competition (J&C), the
largest event of its kind for American-made cheeses, wrapped up two-days of judging at the Huntington
Bank Stadium at the University of Minnesota. Over 1,350 cheeses in 120 categories were submitted to be
judged by an esteemed panel of 30 judges in the hopes to become “Best of Show”.

Cheeses entered in the competition were received May 17-18, 2022, with judging from May 19-20.
Growing from just 89 entries 38 years ago, the ACS J&C welcomed cheeses and
cultured dairy products from 206 companies this year. “J&C is a momentous event for
cheesemakers who collectively and continually advance the quality of American
cheese.” said Lynn Giacomini Stray, Board President of ACS. “They also get the
opportunity for valuable feedback from expert judges.”

The ACS Competition shines the spotlight on American cheesemakers by showcasing
their talents and work as leaders within the industry, both for their excellent
cheesemaking and commitment to food safety. Winners of J&C will be announced at an
Award Ceremony during the 39th ACS Annual Conference, held in Portland Oregon,
from July 20 – 23, 2022. For a list of past J&C winners and judges, visit

The 39th ACS Conference will gather artisan cheesemakers, industry professionals,
purchasers, and influencers from the United States, Canada, and Europe. Registration
for the “Blazing the Trail for Cheese” event is open at
https://www.cheesesociety.org/2022-conference/ The schedule of events and extensive
roster of speakers offer attendees unparalleled educational.

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